Friday, April 20, 2007

Book Tag Relay

Let the procrastination begin! I am sitting here trying to work on the final report for my senior project and I'm coming up with nothing but blanks. Naturally, it seems like the perfect time for another blog entry, and one that is long overdue. Here it is:

The rules of the game:

1. Find the nearest book to you.
2. Name the book and author.
3. Turn to page 123.
4. Go to the fifth sentence on the page.
5. Copy out the next 3 sentences and post to your blog.
6. Tag three other people.

Well, the nearest book to me is Ten Days That Shook the World, by John Reed. Quoting from the back cover, this book is "Reed's eyewitness account of the events in Leningrad in the November of 1917, when Lenin and the Bolsheviks finally seized power..." I started it a few weeks ago, but haven't made much progress since then. Here's the requisite excerpt (from page 123, of course):

"All the Smolny telephones were cut off. With great glee it was reported how Uritsky had gone to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to demand the secret treaties and how Neratov had put him out. The Government employees were all stopping work."

Who knew the Bolshevik Revolution was so exciting? And to add to that excitement, I am tagging Todorojo, Brien and Cindy to continue this chain of random enlightenment. I look forward to what each of you have to offer.


Anonymous said...

Ben this is so exciting!

Chantalita said...

Seriously, it is time to update the ol' blog.

Moonsahra said...

It's been more than a year now.... ;)

Adam said...

This blog is dead.

Ben said...

Nooooooooo!!! I can still save it! I will!