Friday, April 20, 2007

Book Tag Relay

Let the procrastination begin! I am sitting here trying to work on the final report for my senior project and I'm coming up with nothing but blanks. Naturally, it seems like the perfect time for another blog entry, and one that is long overdue. Here it is:

The rules of the game:

1. Find the nearest book to you.
2. Name the book and author.
3. Turn to page 123.
4. Go to the fifth sentence on the page.
5. Copy out the next 3 sentences and post to your blog.
6. Tag three other people.

Well, the nearest book to me is Ten Days That Shook the World, by John Reed. Quoting from the back cover, this book is "Reed's eyewitness account of the events in Leningrad in the November of 1917, when Lenin and the Bolsheviks finally seized power..." I started it a few weeks ago, but haven't made much progress since then. Here's the requisite excerpt (from page 123, of course):

"All the Smolny telephones were cut off. With great glee it was reported how Uritsky had gone to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to demand the secret treaties and how Neratov had put him out. The Government employees were all stopping work."

Who knew the Bolshevik Revolution was so exciting? And to add to that excitement, I am tagging Todorojo, Brien and Cindy to continue this chain of random enlightenment. I look forward to what each of you have to offer.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Mormons

I've read and heard some lately about the upcoming TV broadcast on PBS of a new documentary produced about the Church (of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints). It's called "The Mormons" and is a co-production of American Experience and Frontline, the first joint venture of these long-running and popular PBS series. Being four hours long, it is scheduled to air in two parts, with the first two-hour segment to be shown on April 30 and the concluding half the following night, May 1. It strikes me as very interesting, definitely worth my time to watch and something I want to share news about. I've assembled a few helpful links below:

This is the web page created for the program on the PBS site. You should be able to find your local listings there.

An article I read yesterday that was originally printed on April 10, 2007 in the Deseret News : PBS's 'Mormons' is independent, church points out.

Lastly, here's the news release from the Church news site that is referenced in the DN article above.

Please post comments about anything else you have heard or read about this, or any thoughts you may have.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Next stop: Paris

Who knew it was so easy to get from St. Louis to Paris, France? Once again, I'm deeply indebted to Google Maps for its insightful directions.

More from me soon to come...probably.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Copycats and anti-terrorism efforts

Here's an interesting post about copycat criminals from Bruce Schneier's blog, Schneier on Security. Near the end, he makes a fair point about the application to anti-terrorism efforts in our country. Food for thought for a Monday morning...

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

An update of sorts

Ok, I know what you're thinking (because some of you have been saying it to me): I'm a slacker! I started this blog last fall, wrote a couple of entries, then disappeared from the scene. What happened? Well, I'm a bit ashamed that I let it slide as much as I did. But there's not really any use in crying over spilt milk, so I'll just do my best to summarize the events that have transpired since the end of November (gosh, it has been a long time, hasn't it?).

The most exciting news is that I have a girlfriend. Ok, ok...breathe normally, pick your lower jaw up off of the floor and stop laughing - it's not that shocking. I'll admit, I was even a little surprised at how it worked out...pleasantly surprised, of course. Liza (aka The Girl) and I have been dating about 2.5 months now, and I couldn't be happier. It seems she feels about the same, so we're doing well.

Christmas break was enjoyable and relaxing. I had an eventful trip home, driving cross-country with Liza and my brother, Grant. Eventful because we ended up on the road a lot longer than we expected, thanks to Mother Nature's desire to inundate most of Colorado and Kansas with large amounts of snow. We traveled south through Kansas, Oklahoma, Texas and New Mexico to get around the storm. It was two long days (and a lot of fun videos) on the road, meaning we were very glad to be home when we finally arrived. My brother documented our trip on his blog, if you care for the nitty-gritties. It certainly was nice to be able to spend time with family and friends.

My new job is going well. It feels a little strange that I'm no longer attending classes full-time, instead going to work (same place, same time) for 8 hours a day. It's not that I dread going to work - I love doing what I do. It's just new, I think. I will say, since I've started working, I have truly come to love and appreciate NPR (KWMU broadcasts live online and at 90.7 FM). You might even say I'm developing something akin to an addiction.

Other than that, I'm finding time to enjoy my new car (pictures to come) and the ability to read the books that I want to read. And, of course, I spend a lot of time with Liza (I can probably convince her to let me post at least one picture of her). Wish me luck with that...