Monday, July 14, 2008

Doctor, we have a pulse...

I was just reading the latest post on my friend's blog and noticed that he changed the look of his blogroll. It now displays a list of his favorite blogs with an indication of when each blog was last updated. I saw some at the top that had been updated very recently (minutes to hours ago), followed by those less recently updated (days to weeks ago). At the very bottom of the list, I saw my blog, followed by the words "1 year ago." I have to admit I was embarrassed to read that. I clicked over to my blog and selected the link for the last post, dated Friday, April 20, 2007. After I re-read the pretty meaningless post (some book tag relay Internet game thing), I scrolled down to read the comments. My brother had posted a comment, a friend posted one, my wife posted one (at the 1 year mark), and there at the end was a new comment from my good friend Todorojo, added at the end of last week:

This blog is dead.

I think I had every intention of keeping this blog alive when I started it. Obviously, my intentions got lost somewhere along the way (they're probably just searching for the end of the Internet and will return when they've found it). In the meantime, as my friend very succinctly pointed out, the blog has died. To my credit, at least it was a quick, painless death.

Now, I'm bringing it back to life, kind of like the grasshoppers we used to catch in the fields (before the fields turned into subdivisions) during the summers when I was a kid. After catching them, we would drown them for 2 days, then wrap them in toilet paper and bury them in the sand box (don't ask me why). In what seemed like nothing short a miracle to me then, when we would dig them up later that day or the next, the grasshoppers would be alive and kicking and, of course, spitting that nasty, brown liquid (we called it "tobacco juice") all over our fingers.

So, yes, this is almost as miraculous, and yes, I'll try to keep the nasty, brown stuff to a minimum...