Sunday, December 21, 2008

I wanna be a reading junkie...

So here's a blast from the past. After posting last night about our latest travel adventures, I was looking at some of the "draft" posts listed in my dashboard in Blogger. I began reading some of them to figure out why it was that I never published them. Most of them turned out to be half-completed thoughts, but the following post (last saved in September 2007) was an anomaly - what looks to be a complete thought (or at least mostly), accompanied by a link! So, I am posting it now without any additional editing. With this, I now have more posts in the past 24 hours than I had in the previous 1.5 years...booyah!


Ok, ok. So I am a little behind on the blog posts...what can I say? I have had a few things on my plate. Since my last post, I graduated from Wash U, got engaged to a wonderful girl, planned a wedding in less than 3 months, moved all my stuff (and I have a lot of it - just ask my wife or my former roommate) into a new apartment, helped my then fiancée move all of her stuff into that new apartment, married that girl and had that wedding, went on a honeymoon to beautiful, exotic Torrey, Utah, then returned to St. Louis with my wife to begin turning the jungle of cardboard boxes that was our new apartment into something more resembling a home. It's been more than six weeks since we were married, almost all the boxes are gone, and I'm proud to say the place is beginning to feel like home.

About a week or so ago, I began to notice something -- for the first time in a long while, I feel like I actually have spare time! While I was in college, there always seemed to be some assignment or project looming, at least during the semester. In years past, the summer was a time when I could count on having some extra time outside of work to do with as I pleased - reading, piano, hanging out with friends, whatever I wanted. This year, however, beginning almost immediately after graduation, my time outside of work was consumed with wedding plans. Any of you who have planned a wedding will understand what I mean, I think. As the end of the summer drew near, I was so happy for the wedding to come - not only because of the opportunity to be married to my sweetheart, but also because it meant that the planning would finally have to end! Since the wedding, there has been a lot to do around the house in evenings - organizing, running errands, cleaning, etc. - to whip this nice apartment into shape. With that somewhat finished, I finally feel like I can take the time to do some of the things I really love. And in doing that, I've made a decision: I wanna be a reading junkie.


Adam said...

So did you become a reading junkie?

Ben said...

I'd say that's still a work in progress. I find that a lot of the free time I expected to have after graduating and getting a "real" job has turned out to be not so free and available. There are a lot of reasons for this, but that's not really that important. It definitely means that my quest to become a reading junkie has turned out to be more difficult than anticipated.